Symfony 4 for Web Application Development Training Course


Symfony 4 is a software development framework for PHP. It contains reusable PHP libraries to facilitate the development and testing of new applications written in PHP (Web apps or APIs). Symfony 4 is a command-line software framework with the built-in commands that makes PHP code development more efficient.

In this instructor-led, live training, participants will learn to use the Symfony framework and the PHP language as they step through the creation of a PHP application.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Use Symfony 4 to create and test code written in PHP
  • Create simple code for PHP that reads and writes to a database


  • Programmers and web developers with working knowledge of PHP and HTML
  • Advanced developers who seek more efficient development tools for faster closures
  • Software designers who need to update their understanding of current development tools that match user needs

Format of the course

  • Part lecture, part discussion, exercises and heavy hands-on practice


  • An understanding of PHP and standard source file editors
  • An understanding of Object Oriented Programming concepts and any MVC/MVP framework
  • An understanding of HTML where PHP will be embedded
  • Experience with general software installation and configuration
  • Familiar with any software framework and basic software testing

Course Outline

Introduction to Symfony 4 for PHP code development

PHP Object Oriented Programming

PHP Classes and objects

PHP error handling with exceptions

PHP embedded in HTML (examples)

PHP coding and files naming conventions

Best Practices in choosing and using source code editors

What is the Symfony 4 framework?

Installing Symfony 4

HTTP request processing workflow

Debugging PHP Code

Web Debug Toolbar / Debug and VarDumper components features

Web Profiler

Errors and exceptions stack traces

Configuration / routes and URLs with annotations

Twig template engine / Twig template

Generating URLs based on the application’s routes configuration

PHP Controllers / designing a controller class with its action methods

Listing all built-in Symfony 4 services using command line tools

Types of tests / automating tests (unit and functional tests)

Querying a Relational Database System with Doctrine

Building and executing custom SQL queries using the Doctrine Query Builder object

Closing remarks

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