Symfony is a set of PHP Components, a Web Application framework, a Philosophy and a Community.
- Knowledge of Object Oriented Programming concept
- Knowledge of PHP
- Basic knowledge of any MVC/MVP framework
Course Outline
OOP, common information
- OOP paradigm
- Decomposition of code
- Short overview
- Symfony2 and other framework comparison
- Symfony 1.x and 2.x – ne concept
- Symfony + Doctrine = enterprise tool
- Twig
- Basics of Yaml
- Routing
- Doctrine ORM
- Repository Pattern, Entity Manager, DDD
- Testing your code
- Creating custom bundles
- Security
- How to debug your code
- Console tools
- Dependency management
- IoC and DIC
- Creating REST API
- Silex
Symfony2 and business
- Development plan for 2.x
- Symfony and enterprise systems
- Support and trainings
- Community
- Framework popularity
- Estimating costs of implementing simple CRUD system
- Symfony alternatives