Developing Desktop Applications with Visual Studio 2012, VB.NET and SQL Server 2012 Training Course


This course is divided into 3 main sections and is made up of a mixture of presentations and practical exercises.

  1. VB.NET Language in Visual Studio 2012
  2. VB.NET Object Orientation
  3. VB.NET and Sql Server 2012

Course Outline

Part I. VB.NET Language in Visual Studio 2012

Module 1. Introduction to Visual Basic 2012

  • The Object-Oriented Programming
  • The Visual Studio 2012 IDE
  • Creating a new Application
  • Using the Help System

Module 2. The Microsoft .NET Framework

  • The .NET Framework Classes
  • Executing the Code
  • Common Language Runtime
  • Code Loading and Execution
  • Application Isolation
  • Security
  • Interoperability
  • Exception Handling

Module 3. The Visual Basic 2012 Language

  • Data Types
  • Storing Variables
  • Using Methods
  • Making Decisions
  • Working with Data Structures
  • Using Arrays, Enumerations and Collections

Module 4. Building Windows Applications

  • Responding to Events
  • Creating the Toolbar
  • Creating the Status Bar
  • Using Multiple Forms
  • OpenFileDialog and SaveDialog controls
  • PrintDialog and FolderBrowserDialog controls
  • Understanding Menu Features
  • Creating Menus
  • Context Menus

Part II. VB.NET Object Orientation

Module 5. Building Objects

  • Understanding Objects
  • Encapsulation
  • Methods and Properties
  • Managing Events
  • Building Classes
  • Using Constructors
  • Managing Inheritance

Module 6. Advanced Language Constructs

  • Using Lambda Expressions
  • Using Async and Wait
  • Using Iterators

Module 7. Exception Handling and Debugging

  • Handling Exceptions
  • Try, Catch, Finally
  • The Throw Keyword
  • The Exit Try Statement
  • Using Exit Try Statement
  • Using Exception Properties
  • Logging Errors

Module 8. Parallel Programming Using Tasks and Threads

  • Launching Parallel Tasks
  • Transforming Sequential Code to Parallel Code
  • Parallelizing Loops
  • Specifying the Desired Degree of Parallelism
  • Creating and Managing Tasks

Part III. VB.NET and Sql Server 2012

Module 9. Database Programming with Sql Server 20012 and ADO.NET

  • The ADO.NET architecture
  • The Connection class
  • The Command and DataReader Classes
  • The ExecuteReader(), ExecuteScalar(), ExecuteNonQuery() methods
  • Using Parameterized Commands
  • Calling Stored Procedure
  • Managing Transactions

Module 10. Data Components and the DataSet

  • Building a Data Access Component
  • Managing Disconnected Data
  • The DataSet Class
  • The DataAdapter Class: Filling a DataSet, working with Multiple Tables and Relationships
  • The DataView Class

Module 11. Using Data Binding

  • Basic Data Binding
  • Data Source Controls
  • The SqlDataSource
  • Inserting, Updating, Deleting and Selecting records

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