SQL language in MSSQL Training Course


The course answers questions

  • How to build a query?
  • What opportunities have SQL?
  • What is a relational database?
  • What is the structure and SQL commands?


  • Computer literacy
  • Knowledge of any operating system

Course Outline

Relational database models

  • The structure of a relational database
  • Relational operators

Download the data

  • Rules for writing SQL queries
  • The syntax for the SELECT
  • Selecting all columns
  • Inquiries from arithmetic operations
  • Aliases columns
  • Literals
  • Concatenation

Restrict results

  • The WHERE clause
  • The comparison operators.
  • LIKE Condition
  • Prerequisite BETWEEN … AND
  • IS NULL condition
  • IN condition.
  • Logical operators
  • Many of the conditions in the WHERE clause
  • The order of operators
  • DISTINCT clause

Sorting Data

  • The ORDER BY clause
  • Sorting by multiple columns or expressions

SQL Functions

  • The differences between the functions of single and multi-rows
  • Functions text, numeric, date,
  • Conversion functions
  • Nesting functions
  • Handling of NULL values

Aggregating data using the grouping function

  • Grouping functions
  • How grouping functions treat NULL values
  • Create groups of data – the GROUP BY clause
  • Grouping multiple columns
  • Reducing the function result grouping – the HAVING clause

Retrieving data from multiple tables

  • Types of joins
  • Aliases tables
  • Joins in the WHERE clause
  • INNER JOIN Inner join
  • External Merge LEFT, RIGHT
  • Cartesian product


  • Place subqueries in the SELECT command
  • Subqueries single and multi-lineage
  • Operators Subqueries single-line
  • Operators Subqueries multi-IN, ALL, ANY

Collective operators

  • UNION operator
  • INTERSECT operator
  • EXCEPT operator

Insert, update, and delete data

  • INSERT command
  • UPDATE command
  • DELETE command


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