Hyperledger Fabric for Beginners Training Course


This course has been designed for developers and project managers who would like to experiment with Blockchain in their products and projects. The course gives a basic know how on how to set up your own blockchain network using IBM Bluemix.

Please note: Owing to limited learning options and everything already being pre-setup on Bluemix, it is used only for college students and in corporate cases we will be using AWS instance or virtual machines to setup the complete hyperledger fabric setup from scratch so as to accelerate the practical and handson knowledge absorption of the particpants.


  • A prior knowldege of programming and a basic understanding of blockchain networks is high recommended
  • Knowledge of Java or Go is highly recommended
  • Some experience with Linux/Unix environment is preffered
  • Good to have an open source technology exposure

Course Outline

Introduction to Blockchain

  • Brief Background and Introduction
  • Private Blockchain Networks(Permissioned Blockchain)
  • Use Cases

Getting Started with Hyperledger Fabric

  • Brief Background and Introduction
  • Hyperledger Architecture
  • Installations Overview
  • Hyperledger Fabrics Samples
  • Use cases of permissioned Blockchain

IBM Bluemix for Blockchain as a service

  • Brief Background and Introduction
  • Creating your Developer Account on Bluemix
  • Settting up your first Blockchain on IBM Bluemix
  • Smart Contracts
    • How rules work
    • Brief Introduction
    • Writing your first smart contract


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