Meteor for Cross-Platform Development Training Course


Meteor (aka MeteorJS) is an open-source JavaScript web framework written in Node.js. It integrates with MongoDB and enables rapid prototyping of Android and iOS applications.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) introduces the fundamentals of Meteor and walks participants through the creation of a real-time web applications for both desktop and mobile platforms.

Format of the Course

  • Overview of Meteor’s features and capabilities along with step-by-step development of a mobile application for iOS and Android.

Course Customization Options

  • To request a customized training for this course, please contact us to arrange.


  • An understanding of JavaScript
  • An understanding of HTML
  • An understanding of databases


  • Front-end developers
  • Anyone interested in learning Meteor

Course Outline

Introduction to Meteor JavaScript

Installing Meteor

Meteor Architecture

Overview of MongoDB

Creating a Meteor Application

Meteor’s Project File Structure

Creating a Template and Collections

Working with Forms and Events

Sessions and Trackers in Meteor

Working with the Core API

Working with HTTP, Email, Assets

Creating a Database in Meteor

Building Database Collections

Sorting the Data in Meteor

Building a User Accounts System

Creating Packages in Meteor

Deploying Your Application


Summary and Next Steps

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